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Psychological Profile


Administering Psychologist: Dr. Steven Wattsenberg


When I spoke with Quinten Quire, he pretended to play along. He was extremely intelligent even for a seventeen year old mutant, it was not our policy to administer these tests, but under the circumstances he proved the exception.


He is extremely talented and gifted, nobody can take that away from him and his ego reflects this particular gifts. Upon further examination he seemed pensive when we spoke of attachments, significantly Sophie Cuckoo. Proving he does seek approval of somebody in this world.


He is your typical teen rebel, with the mind of a genius. His untapped potential is staggering. But his angst is masking, even protecting his true feelings. He is hard, but not uncommon with being Emma Frost's student and Xavier prized pupil. Both mutants I think have an eye for powerful mutants, as seen with Emma's affiliation with the Hellfire Club and Xavier's own X men.


Once I got past his ego and delved deeper, I found Quinten to be quite hurt, even missing pieces. Not uncommon in projects conducted by Weapon X, even Hydra. He did not know where he came from or where he was going.


I feel, even speculate that when this young mutant grows into his own, his stubborn and unyielding nature mixed with intellect and genius will be matched by his own abilities. I submit that Quinten Quire, despite his angst and other attributes in a subversive nature can be tamed and taught to harness his gifts and mind, even attitude when it is needed.


I agree with Steven Rogers, Quinten should be given a chance to remain alive. Under supervision and strict guidelines, even a harder guardian, which is why I agree with Logan and Hank McCoy being his sole guardianship. 


Administering Psychic: Agent Jeremy Stagwerth


Upon a psychic examination, Quinten Quire's mind is impenetrable, his psychic shields prior to the Phoenix inhabiting his body were nigh, when I pushed there was only one feeling or image I could get. He had resolve mixed in with intense grief. All psionic scans after were useless. I advise heavy psi dampeners, use of mutant collars and nuero-sentinels for measures of containing Quinten Quire. Even a nueral bridge to the base of his brainstem to inhibit further psychic abilities. 


From the psychic examination he surpasses all current psychics in S.H.I.E.L.D. as of this moment and he is only 17 years old. His levels of psychic energy rivals that of Emma Frost, Charles Xavier and even Rachel Summers put together, even though he has no idea to this speciffic trait. 


To have my final recommendation, he is ferocious and tremendous. He needs a strong role model or leadership base to become more than he is. He is worthy of eradication, and saying that from my standpoint, being a mutant I am both apprehensive and dumb founded by this subject.


After many years of watching, my final recommendations of eradication have been hasty in being given. Upon receiving the Phoenix Force he asked to see me again, even lowered his tremendous now god like mental shields. I was in awe of what I saw, he also without me initially knowing copied the entirety of my reports. Shaking his head he simply replied. "Too bad, your not worthy enough to eradicate me. But I can understand why you feel how and what you feel. Just keep your thoughts better concealed." Quinten's own words then he vanished.


My recommendations remain unchanged as I watched the bully with psionic powers and what appeared to be psychic ego, he could obliterate this world but has not. Which with the level of power he has, it is not unfathomable.


It was only when I recognized the level of restraint on his part, plus the inflection he spoken with that I have reopened the report and ammended my final recommendation. He is powerful, without the Phoenix Force within him, yes. He is a pupil of the greatest psychic minds in our history and of our time, absolutely. But we've watched many things occur within our subject, Quinten Quire. He has grown beyond eradication and to a point where I feel personally that he could be worthy of being watched and given space to realize his dreams, hopes and aspiriations.


I disagree with Natasha Romanov's recommendations as a primary measure. Tony Stark, Reed Richards, T'challa and even unlikely allies ahve commited to a back up contengency.

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