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Project # 210


A.D.A.M Automated Drone Adaptive Manpower


Project Synopsis:


Unmanned terrestrial Units for a variety of purposes from helping to surveying targets. Even helping in areas which require hazardous handling.


Threats Potential: Varies


Unit: Varies


Weapons: Pulse Array (Basic)

                  Tactical Weapons Array (Basic)

                  Mini Munitions (Basic)



Offensive Capabilities: Enhanced Speed

                                        Enhanced Dirability



Secondary Functions: Communications

                                       Additional Weapons (added as needed)


Operations: Each Drone Unit can work tirelessly without sleep, food or relaxation. Each drone type fufills a specified purpose from "tactical strike", site survelience or perp survelience, to scanning and assisting scientiffic endeavors or heaviliy armed and armored unit assist in defense.


Flaws: Commands would need to be issued, protocols established before a mission. Once done and expectations are established or criteria, they lack the intuition a human may have.

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