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Project # 0001


P.E.D.A. Psionic Energy Dispersal Armor


Project Synopsis:


Weapons system for those with no mental shielding. Psychic's are tricky beings. So the armor creates an inverse psionic inertial field and therefore elimates the potential of psionic bolts which can render an agent unconcious or killed.


Threats Potential: Psychic


Unit: Varies


Weapons: Pulse Array (Basic)

                  Tactical Weapons Array (Basic)

                  Mini Munitions (Basic)

                  Psionic Redirection Array (Basic)


Offensive Capabilities: Psionic Feed Back Circuitry

                                        Enhanced Speed

                                        Enhanced Dirability



Secondary Functions: Communications

                                       Additional Weapons (added as needed)


Operations: Each armor has a circuitry designed to disperse psionic energy to to a certain point, giving them a level of protection. The circuitry moves the energy away and into the suit allowing it to be negated and/or used against the target at a lesser degree.


If agents elect to not use armor, there are units that can be used and worn as a mobile defense. The drawback to this is the psionic energy is shunted aside, not reidrected.


Flaws: This does not make a mind unreadable, it makes it more difficult however a mind is not impervious using these units. Also the systems can handle so much energy before they burn out or can't handle the psionic output being matched. Stronger psychics can override the system easier and burn the circuitry out.

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